Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ebooks and the Internet

These days just about everybody uses the internet for gathering information. Whether it be driving directions or how to fix a leaky faucet, the internet is the most valuable resource available to people today.

However, if there is one downfall, it is the amount of information you can find on one topic. For example, there are thousands of websites that show me the exact same procedure for changing the oil in my car. Can we narrow this down to one website, good luck with that. Although you can find out just about anything on the internet, many people are still intimidated by it because it is basically 'information overflow'. It is like somebody giving you a recipe for strawberry pie, but the directions have as many pages to it as a phone book. To clean up the internet is virtually impossible. So how do we simplify things? With Ebooks.

There are many terrific sites out there today that offer ebooks. Basically, you acquire the ebook that is relative to the information you need and you keep it, forever. No more searching through hundreds of websites trying to find out how to wire a car stereo. You get your ebook and start creating your very own digital library. The best part is that it doesn't take up any space in your house, maybe just a little space on your hard drive.

So where do you find ebooks? One of the best sites I've seen is which is relatively new and always growing. You can choose from a large variety of ebooks for a dirt cheap price (as little as $1 per ebook). They also have a free section with plenty of offerings.

So once you have loaded up on some ebooks and created a nice digital library, you will find yourself in a better position for looking up information and at the same time you will find that you are spending less time sorting through the 'information overload' of the internet.
